Relationship Between Humans And Trees
Just like every human is unique, so are trees! We all have different looks, ways we grow, our heights we reach and the way we are formed.
We start off as a little seed that is planted and formed and created in our own special way. We thrive on love and care. We are mostly made up of water just like trees and it is essential in our growth, development and health.
The way our nerves are set up is very similar to how the branches of a tree grow, even a simple scan of our lungs shows us how we can relate our own bodies to that of a tree. Branches reaching out, reaching for oxygen. Just like we breathe in oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, trees have a process called photosynthesis where their leaves draw in carbon dioxide and through the energy they get from the sun they transform that into sugars they need to grow. The by-product of that transformation is called oxygen which is then released into the air which is essential for any human or animal to survive.
As humans we form communities, we thrive in communities. Building each other up and working together to create the best environment for us to live in. Trees also live in communities, they work together by sending signals to each other to let others know of dangers, forming close communities even with other types of trees and work as a unit, a collective intelligence to take care of each other. Just like an ant colony would.
Trees are known for their calming and cooling effects, even very well known to bring up the value of your property. If you think about the Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden you think about peace, calmness, coolness. A perfect place to go to ease your body and mind after a week of stress from life and work. The saying we have told many kids ‘if you’re lost hug a tree’ is not about safety. It’s about the calming effect nature has on us.
Trees have been seen throughout the years as a symbol for peace. Could you even think about a tree as a sign of war or havoc!? Think about the saying that goes ‘I am extending you an olive branch’ – I am extending you a hand in peace. An invitation not only signifying starting over but standing in calmness, peace and an openness of understanding and moving forward on good footing. Now isn’t that what we all really want?
When it comes to religions in all corners of the world across years throughout the expansion of humankind and its various cultures you can see the significance of trees. Playing a central part in understanding and explaining love, growth, wisdom and knowledge. From the christian perspective you have the tree of life, the tree of knowledge. The burning bush God spoke through to Moses to share wisdom, the ark Noah built to carry all the animals, entirely made of wood. There are even references of Jesus being a carpenter just like his father Joseph in scriptures. In Islam the planting of a tree signifies charity that is done by the planter as not only he/she will enjoy the benefits but so will others. It is also important in Islam as seen as the gift that is given by trees to people like the fruits that fall from the tree.
When it comes to Buddhism trees are significant because it is said that the Lord Buddah was enlightened and reclaimed while under a Bodhi fig tree. With several mentions to nature and enlightenment and meditation and relaxation spots chosen by Buddhists to be under trees surrounded by nature it is clear that it has a central role in the religion.
In Hinduism trees are so revered that you are not allowed to cut them down. There are specific trees that are seen as sacred and even integral to rituals.

At Green Cycle Trees we dont want to just take out and cut down trees. Our ISA certified Arborist will give you the best advice regarding the health of your trees and with so many clients coming back throughout our 31 years of doing business you can be assured that we will give you the best options when it comes to keeping your trees healthy.